Student Success Story


“Buy a plate to help a family fill theirs this Christmas.”

Need some meaningful social action inspiration for your classes? Read our case study on Year 8 students at Willows High School in Cardiff, who decided to design and sell Christmas Eve plates ‘to help families fill theirs for Christmas!

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Educator Insights

“Anyone can make a difference”. The First Give programme at the John Fisher School.

The John Fisher School and First Give have partnered since 2015, and this year’s programme highlighted the many benefits of the programme for the school, its students and the community of Purley.

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Educator Insights

Deptford Green First Give Programme 2023

Deptford Green School in South-East London has partnered with First Give since 2018. Since the beginning of our partnership approximately 900 students have completed the First Give programme, connecting with charities in the community and taking action to address social issues that are important to them. Last spring, students participating in the programme were once again passionate about diverse social issues affecting their community.  Read the full blog below to learn more about the wide range of social action students at Deptford Green carried out for their local charities.

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First Give News

Did you hear us on the radio? Bradford Girls’ Grammar students share their First Give success on air!

Year 9 students at Bradford Girls’ Grammar School kept the momentum going following their First Give Final this year, with the winning group being interviewed for their local radio station, Bradford Community Broadcasting (BCB).  Read below to learn about the students wonderful social action achievements for the diverse array of charities they supported.

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First Give News