28.07.2022 Educator Insights

First Give partners with Birmingham

We are always looking to partner with new schools across England and Wales. See below how the First Give programme positively impacted a charity in Birmingham.

In 2021/22 we made it one of our strategic goals to work with more young people than ever before. Our aim was to take our First Give programme to new areas, to work with wider communities, more charities and inspire more young people to take action for social issues that they care about in their local areas.

As a result, we now work with students in the Midlands as we’ve partnered with schools across Birmingham and The Black Country.

As a charity, we aim to inspire a spark of social conscience with young people, and we are extremely proud of the work our existing and new partner schools have achieved this year. One of our schools won the £1000 grant for a homeless charity in Birmingham called SIFA Fireside, who support people that are homeless in Birmingham. SIFA rely on community funding and support to provide resources, advice and help for those that need it. Any support is greatly appreciated, so it’s without a doubt that the support local students gave to SIFA was incredibly helpful. SIFA also really enjoyed witnessing our students work first hand.

It has been so informative to work with the First Give programme and see firsthand how they inspire young people to engage with their community.

SIFA Fireside Representative, 2022

Our partner school arranged for the students to speak with representatives from SIFA Fireside directly which was incredibly positive. SIFA fedback that the students were attentive and compassionate about the work that SIFA do for the Birmingham community.

This is exactly what we aim to achieve through the First Giive programme and our partner schools, as it’s a rare opportunity for students to see the work that local charities achieve firsthand.  

It was a great chance to help educate young people on positive action and homelessness. It was a joy to attend the school final and meet the young people who had been working so hard on their projects

SIFA fireside representative, 2022

students collected clothing and shared information about SIFA Fireside charity, raising further awareness of the social issue and support available across the wider Birmingham community.

Thanks to the programme, we are over the moon to have received £1,000 to help us continue our work.

SIFA Fireside, representative 2022