30.07.2024 First Give News

We’re Gonna Be (10 miles for Lives not Knives)

The First Give team are walking from London Bridge to Croydon to raise money for Lives not Knives

The First Give team are walking from London Bridge to Croydon for Lives not Knives

First Give is all about inspiring others to give. That’s why we’ve decided that for our upcoming Summer Team Day, we’re going to set ourselves a challenge and live our values through a sponsored walk!

Through the First Give programme, a full year group of students researches and connects with charities that they care about. They complete social action in support of those charities (fundraising or awareness raising) and then they compete to win a First Give grant of £1,000 for their chosen charity.

This year Lives Not Knives was the most popular charity, winning 5 of the 191 grants available across the network. Inspired by the young people who completed First Give this year, we are going to walk from London Bridge to Croydon where the Lives Not Knives team are based to raise more money to support their vital work!

On the decision to represent Lives not Knives, First Give Director Isaac explained-

Each year, thousands of young people across Wales and England choose to support charities working to improve their local community. As a team we looked at the charity that was the most popular with young people this year, and decided we wanted to do something ourselves to support their work. That’s why, inspired by students who did the First Give programme this year, we’re raising funds to support Lives Not Knives.

Isaac Jones- Director of First Give

We will be walking on Thursday the 1st of August (yes this Thursday!), and despite the short notice we would really appreciate any support.

If you would like to support the team and the vital work of Lives not Knives you can share and donate here-https://www.justgiving.com/page/first-give-team-fundraiser

Thank you in advance for your donations and wish us luck!