First Give News

Insight to the First Give team, charity and any opportunities.

First Give News

National Careers Week

This week is National Careers Week. It’s a one-week celebration of careers guidance in education across the UK, and it’s got us thinking about how First Give supports students’ to develop skills for future employment as well as consider options for their own future careers. 

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Educator Insights

The Big Help Out

The Big Help Out, the UK’s largest volunteering campaign is back

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First Give News

Employee Spotlights – part 3

This is the last part of our three part blog series for you to meet our team! We wanted you to get to know the amazing First Give employees to better understand the work we do and the people behind the scenes. We hope introducing our passionate team will engage more schools and people to work and collaborate with us. Check out the last three #employeespotlights below!

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First Give News