News & Insights

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Partner School Events, Student Success Stories, First Give roles and opportunities, updates from our Team, Supporters and more.

Latest news & insights


Hear from our Young Trustee on Trustees’ Week!

It is Trustees’ Week and as First Give’s Young Trustee, I have the pleasure of acknowledging the wonderful impact of having diverse individuals on charity boards. Diversity in talents and in people offers perspectives to charities that could otherwise be brushed over. The life experiences of trustees (even young ones like me!) illuminate the possibilities of looking at things differently and offering solutions which would otherwise be hard to navigate.

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First Give News

Employee Spotlights – part 2

We want you to get to know the amazing First Give employees to better understand the work we do and the people behind the scenes. We hope introducing our passionate team will engage more schools and people to work and collaborate with us. This is part 2 of a 3 part blog series for you to meet our team. Check out our next three #employeespotlight’s below!

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First Give News

Meet our facilitators!

Running the First Give social action programme in our partner schools across England and Wales would be impossible without our fantastic team of facilitators. They are the people who run First Give events in your schools such as the Launch Assembly, Presentation Skills Workshop, and the First Give Final. We wanted to introduce the team to you, our partners and supporters, because they are such an integral part of our charity and programme delivery. Check out their bios below to find out more about what they do and why they joined First Give!

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Educator Insights

Employee Spotlights – part 1

Introducing our new social media series – Employee Spotlight! We wanted you to get to know the amazing First Give employees to better understand the work we do and the people behind the scenes. We hope introducing our passionate team will engage more schools and people to work and collaborate with us. This is part 1 of a 3 part blog series for you to meet our team, so check out our first three #employeespotlight’s below!

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First Give News
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